
unfortunately we also need to talk about that
lets keep it simple.

You can return your package within 10 days if you are not satisfied with the product, quality, or if the procuct does not match the description.

Please note, that it usually can take up to 2 weeks, to pick up the goods, due to our international operating shipping-partner.

The returned product must be unwashed, unused and in the same perfect condition as you received it, incl. the original packaging.

In any cases of dissatisfaction - please contact us

We always find solutions that fits for our customers, so don´t hesitate to contact us with any query!

If the delivered product were delivered damaged, please contact us immediately within 3 days.

Please shoot some pictures and send it to us

Please take note, that in case of baseless returning without communicating any reasons, shipment costs have to be paid from the buyer.